
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

This Abandoned Power Plant Has Beautiful Art Deco Interiors

2013. december 27. 14:43

One striking set takes us into the century-old control room of Budapest's Kelenföld Power Plant. Built in 1914 and considered one of the most modern electrical plants in the world, the art-deco facility was designed by Hungarian architects Kálmán Reichl and Virgil Bierbauer as a tribute to the power of electricity.

2013. december 27. 14:43
Amanda Macias

„French photographer Romain Veillon, 30, has spent the last two years exploring abandoned facilities in Europe. One striking set takes us into the century-old control room of Budapest's Kelenföld Power Plant.

Built in 1914 and considered one of the most modern electrical plants in the world, the art-deco facility was designed by Hungarian architects Kálmán Reichl and Virgil Bierbauer as a tribute to the power of electricity. The buildings, shut down in 2005, are protected by law and cannot be restored or demolished.

»I love how these places are like a time capsule. Where time has frozen and nature slowly takes back what is hers, « Veillon wrote via email.”


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